

Thank you for considering us. With you here we can see beyond our wildest dreams, a space created to address and explore mindful, inclusive, woman-focused image making. We can see the possibility of a world filled with images around us that look like us. Images that celebrate diverse and representational bodies of women, girls and femme-identified people.

Body Neutrality vs. Body Positivity

Body Neutrality vs. Body Positivity

So many women, including yours truly,  have complicated relationships with body image. I came across an interesting article that breaks down the idea of "body neutrality" and some basic ways to practice it. Instead of loving or hating our bodies, we can work towards acceptance. Appreciating my long strong legs instead of hating my post-baby belly; being less judgemental, and instead just "being." 

Read more here! https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/what-is-body-neutrality_us_5b61d8f9e4b0de86f49d31b4

Kudos to M.A.C., leaving an upper lip naturally downy on Instagram

Kudos to M.A.C., leaving an upper lip naturally downy on Instagram

Two new campaigns celebrating men's body diversity!

Two new campaigns celebrating men's body diversity!